22 JUNE 2004
Survey four results have delivered a huge blow towards 2DAYFM WITH breakfast now down to 5.6 dropping 1.9 points this period. What is more alarming is the new breakfast team at 2DAYFM is currently Rating half of Wendy Harmers 11% for the same time last year. 2DAY FM is in crisis with their only guiding light being Kyle and Jackie in drive. One industry source has claimed 2DAYFM will ditch the current breakfast team sooner rather than later although an Austereo press release states "We have absolute faith in the Judith, Kaz and Peter breakfast team.
Still in Sydney and 2UE's John Laws has climbed back to 9% up 1.7 although Ray Hadley is still out in front at 13.3 increasing his lead this period even ever so slightly by 0.1. This survey has seen 2GB (12.7) claim the crown from Nova who tumbled one 1 down to 10.4.
Adelaide and SAFM 19.2 continues to dominate the ratings although down 0.9 still out in front with an impressive 19.2% market share. 5AA are still in second place with 17.2 up 0.4. Leon Byner dropped 1.3 points handballing the points across to 5DN and speaking of 5DN they rose across most timeslots with breakfast up by 2.1. The Mix 14.4 AND MMM 13.2 camps took a bit of a turn around with the gap narrowing from a whopping 4.5 to an achievable 1.2. With Nova set to launch in Adelaide this is going to be interesting over the next few surveys.
MMM 13.8 continued the trend of climbing in Brisbane with Austereo taking out the two top spots with B105FM 17.9 and MMM 13.8. Interesting to see 97.3FM 13.6 has taken a dive of 1.5 dropping 2.5 in mornings followed by 2.1 in afternoons. Will the arrival of Kyle and Jackie knock B105FM down in drive this time next survey. 4BH 8.7 lifted by 2.3 points up 3.3 in mornings and rising by 2 or more points in all segments after mornings across the day whilst breakfast dropped 0.7.
Perth showed 6PR 6.8 down 1.5 a drop in all shifts other than a small lift of 0.6 in drive ( Tony Mac) . 96FM 11.6 dropped in all shifts across the day although it is still number 3 . Austereo joint winners in this market with a combined total of 32% share delivered by 92.9FM 13 & 94.5FM at 19%.
3AW 15.4 continues its reign all shifts other than afternoons (Ernie Sigley )10.7 slipping to fourth spot. Ross and John jumped up 2.2 points taking their lead to a 19.8 share. 3MP 3% have lifted 0.4 changing format this survey. New PD Paul James rose 0.7 in afternoons although Mark Irvine may of shared a little of that earlier in the survey. SEN 2.8 although far from out dropped 0.2 with every shift sliding other that afternoons. Good news for SEN was their 25 to 39 yo and 40 to 54 yo both grew. 3MMM 10.8 the birth place of The Cage came in at number two with jumps in all shifts other than slight dip of 0.3 in evenings. Mix 101.1FM dropped 1 full point to 5.9% with their breakfast also falling by 1%.