
11 JULY 2004

Smart Radio Network based in Charleville Operators of 4VL and Triple C-FM

4VL has recently installed thanks to the Federal Governments Black Spot Funding program satellite dishes around South West Queensland to allow our listeners better reception. Cunnamulla and Quilpie now receive 4VL programs via satellite and by the middle of July, Wyandra and Augathella will be on the bird. Following that will be Morvan and Mungallala 4VL Charleville employs 6 fulltime staff and over time will add more through the network expansion. We are LIVE and LOCAL from 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 6am-6pm Saturdays
including Live Local Rugby League coverage and 8am-Midday Sundays. Anyone interested in joining this expanding network should send a current resume and demo to

Damien Fisher
Smart Radio Network
P O Box 84 Charleville QLD 4470